Smart Recycling and Smart Pallets operate from the Waste Converters site in Dandenong South. The businesses are owned by Ward Petherbridge. Ward’s father Geoff Petherbridge bought the site in 1982. At the time it was operating as a solid inert waste tip and sand pit.
After time spent living in Europe and studying environmental science, Ward joined his father’s business in 1997 with a vision to turn the facility into a recycling business.
Today four businesses, that annually divert over 50,000 tonnes of waste from landfill annually, operate from the Waste Converters site:
Smart Recycling/Smart Pallets – recycling timber packaging, including pallets, crates and boxes and collecting, repairing and returning pallets for the brick, block and roof tile industries.
Commercial Tippers – Recycles builders waste, green waste, brick and concrete. Produces topsoil, compost and crushed aggregates
EcoDynamics – Melbourne’s premier recycled mulch and landscaping specialist.
EcoCrush – Producers of recycled crushed concrete aggregates for the construction industry.
The site transforms 95% of waste received into useful, cost-effective, environmentally friendly products and provides a net carbon benefit of 14,500 tonnes from timber recycling alone.